Thursday, November 15, 2007

see a dentist in Canada

Yesterday, I went to see a dentist. I was a little nervous and worry when I waited for the dentist. I never see doctors in Canada, so I had no idea what he is going to do to me. After half an hour waiting, it's my turn to see the dentist. At the beginning, his assistant helped to take X-ray pictures for my teeth, and the dentist could look at the pictures to see what's going on with my teeth. After he went through my pictures, he told me the treatment which he is going to give me. From what he said, I needed to make couple appointments to fix my teeth. Therefore, he just helped me to clean my teeth. Anyway, I felt pretty good.

Monday, November 5, 2007

After Mid-Term

Finally, I have done my Mid-Term exams, and I think I did OK on them. Well, I was not very satisfied about some of my exams, but I will continue to try doing well. No argument, no discussion and no negotiation. The only thing I can do is work hard and go to classes every day. No matter what you are taking, never even talk about grades with your teachers except calculating mistake.
Any way, Life goes on.