I finished two weeks of EAP 3, and I felt it is harder than I thought. Seriously, I think Writing course is the hardest course in EAP 3. At the beginning of this semester, my goal of Writing course is to get B+ in order to skip effective writing test. After two weeks, I realized that can be really very very hard to achieve because writing exams can be very hard if you do not work hard. Today, I had a grammar quiz, and it seemed like very easy. However, it only worths 1.6%, Does it really make sense? Anyway, my writing teacher is very enthuzastic and crazy, and he could give you super surprise every day. Like today, he just gave us an hour in-class writing test or something, and the title was "Is English a difficult language to learn", of course, yes, it is. Holy shoot, that just made me wake up. You know, after a winter break, I need to pick up vocabulary, essay brainstorming and organization. Seriously, at that time I had no idea about how to wrote an essay, but when I asked myself what I learned from last semester. Then, I knew how to wrote an essay, well, basically.
I just got my listening quiz and reading quiz yesterday, and listening quiz was pretty good, but reading quiz was just fine! My reading teacher is as crazy as my writing teacher, may be crazier. He can make the quality of reading quiz like mid-term exam if he wants, like the quiz I got yesterday. I was quite worried about it. Reading quiz can be isolated from reading textbook because my reading teacher is going to lose his mind. Vocabulary from the quiz were not from the textbook. What a crazy thing! Anyway, what can we do? learn as much as we can, and do homework almost every day. I hope everyone doing in the rest of this semester.